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BioEthik Bordeaux

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Over the next few months, up until veraison (when the grapes ripen and become mildew resistant), we’ll be finding out how innovative DNA testing can help control mildew and reduce the use of fungicide in the Château Mamin vineyard.

Here are the latest results, along with a reminder of our partnership with local start-up BaaS.

We did well to wait and see!

According to the latest BaaS results, the risk of mildew infection dropped to nearly zero in a week. We did well to wait before treating the vineyard with sulfate! However, yesterday, I applied the first preventative treatment of the season before the rain today, which can promote the spread of mildew. (It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to this fungal disease, which can devastate our crops.) I only used 35 g of product diluted in water – a drop in the ocean compared to the 3 kg authorized in Demeter farming every year.

Why do DNA testing in the vineyard?

Merlot grapes are sensitive to this fungal infection, which dries the fruit and reduces yields. The earlier we can detect risks, the more effectively we can protect the vines using the minimum of anti-fungal product – instead of “spraying and praying.”

How does it work?
  • Every 3 days we collect samples from the sensors placed around the vineyard and give them to BaaS, a local start-up specializing in early pathogen detection.

  • BaaS extracts the DNA and analyses the presence of mildew spores before any damage is visible.

  • When the risks rise, we can spot treat the vines in time to prevent mildew from spreading.


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