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BioEthik Bordeaux

Embark on our innovation adventure!

Updated: May 1, 2023

BioEthik Bordeaux has teamed up with a local biotech start-up, BaaS, to launch early mildew detection in the Château Mamin vineyard.

capteur BaaS pour lancer la détection précoce du mildiou dans le vignoble Château Mamin
Me with a BaaS spore trap


Merlot grapes are sensitive to this fungal infection, which dries the fruit and reduces yields. The earlier we can detect risks, the more effectively we can protect the vines using the minimum of anti-fungal product – instead of “spraying and praying.”

How does it work?

  • Every 3 days we collect samples from the spore traps placed around the vineyard.

  • BaaS extracts the DNA and analyses the presence of mildew spores before any damage is visible.

  • When the risks rise, we can spot treat the vines in time.

This is a brand-new environmentally friendly solution, which I’m proud to be testing this year. That’s why I invite you to keep an eye on the weekly results and be part of our innovation adventure, wherever you are. I’ll explain the results and show you how they impact our winegrowing process up until harvest.

Sign up for our BaaS newsflash:

The first results: we're holding our breath!

In this chart, you can see the variation in risks every 3 days, with a peak in contamination on April 20. Since the nights are cold (<10°C) and there’s little rain, the risk of mildew spreading is very low, so we haven’t used any “Bordeaux mix” treatment yet. According to BaaS’s mathematical models, some mildew spots could appear on the leaves on May 3. We'll decide then whether to treat the vines. Up until veraison in mid-July, we could lose our entire crop, so all the data must be carefully analyzed to use the least possible fungicide.

Embark on this innovation adventure with us!

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